obs virtual camera on ZOOM not image capture


New Member

I have installed obs 27.2.4, v4l2loopback-dkms , obs-v4l2sink (https://github.com/CatxFish/obs-v4l2sink/releases) on ubuntu 18.04.
I do load the module driver -> sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2 video_nr=10 card_label="OBS Cam" exclusive_caps=1
I have get on OBS Studio:
-virtual camera input
-Tools -> sinkv4l2 plugin
I have test the virtual camera with videolan vlc -> cvlc v4l2:///dev/video10 and it success.
But with Zoom when I select "OBS Cam" the screen is black, so Zoom can not capture the OBS Cam video streaming.
Any Idea?
Thanks in advance


New Member
I have "play" with obs setting and I have discover these points for obs-studio 27.2.4:
- its not necessary the plugin (virtual cable) obs-sinkv4l2
- its not necessary set the virtual camera sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2 video_nr=10 card_label="OBS Cam" exclusive_caps=1. OBS automatically link OBS Cam to /dev/video1
- If I don't save the profile with Profile->New and use the default profile "Not Title" the OBS Cam virtual camera on ZOOM capture the streaming -> success ..... but I don't know which is the video parameter settings that fail when you use Profile->New and would like know it. I have read the file ~./config/obs-studio/basic/profiles/nottitle but I don't know what are the meanings of them.