OBS Video Recording Optimization For AMD


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new here and I record videos for fun.
I've been encountering a reoccurring problem while recording with OBS.
Basically my videos are blocky and grainy. I tend to move around a lot when I play games - quick, twitchy movements,
but even when I don't, I see a massive difference in quality between the vids of people who recorded their gameplay with OBS and
mine, especially for dark areas in the games I play.
I have an AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT paired with an intel i5 13600kf and heaps of ram.
I'm not too savvy when it comes to technology, so I'm turning to you for help.
I'll post a photo of my recording settings and I'd be very grateful if any of you helps me tweak some stuff here and there in order to
better up my video quality.
Thanks :)


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