Bug Report OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Cropping

Gol D. Ace

I try to explain this as best I can with my limited English.

When I crop for an example a video device with the Alt Key and then I try to resize the video to fit the video resolution then It kinda snaps to the original video not the cropped video. (to the red border not the green border)

On the right side for example you can see that black bar right? It snaps exactly in that location and not on the border of the base resolution.



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Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

Is this only with 0.54+?

Gol D. Ace

Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

I tried it first again with 0.541b and it seems to be snapping more to the border now but there is still a little gap.
(on the right side)

Then I switched back to 0.522b with the exact same scene.
There is a little gap now in the cropping (between the video and the green line) but it's snapping like it should be.

After recropping in 0.522b it snaps perfectly like it should.

Switching back to 0.541b with the exact same scene I get a gap on the right side.


Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

I did push some more fixes in for cropping recently. But the images I see here show something different again, I think. So I'll do some more testing tonight to see if I can reproduce what you have, but there is a chance that it's already fixed.

Gol D. Ace

Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

ThoNohT said:
I did push some more fixes in for cropping recently. But the images I see here show something different again, I think. So I'll do some more testing tonight to see if I can reproduce what you have, but there is a chance that it's already fixed.

I'm open for testing stuff. So If you did some fixes send me an test build and I will try it out.


Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

Ok, you made me find another thing that might need fixing :P

But it's not your problem, that seems to be fine to me, so I think your problem is already fixed. You can always come by in chat so I can send you a test build to try stuff out on. That's also the easiest way for me to know if your problem is something else.


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Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

Might want to check the test builds as well

Gol D. Ace

Re: OBS v0.54b Problem with edge snapping after ALT Key Crop

What I showed in the video also happens in 0.54.04.

Also noticed that the red border is having issues (pixel overhead and sometimes missing pixels).
