OBS Using Disk Space While Streaming


New Member
Iv been trying to stream the sounds of the walls of my home so the council can see / hear that my neighbours are running multiple washing machines 24 hours a day.
but after streaming for about 4-5 hours iv noticed that my SSD is losing a lot of space, about 8GB so I have to stop the stream and restart the computer to get the space back -1 GB :(

Why is it doing this ? Its not recording a video its just streaming to twitch.

Would it do it less if I made the stream resolution tiny cause I only care about the audio really but Ideally Id like to display the noise diaries as slide shows and the miserable emojis I painted on the walls during the stream.

Im using Windows 10


Active Member
Nothing to worry about, most likely just your Virtual Memory. As you can see mine is about 32GB ATM, I've seen it as small as 2GB & as large as 60GB. Keep plenty of Free Space on that drive....



New Member
so you think its the slide show that dose it ?
I dosnt happen if i leave obs running the slidshows with the scrolling images. it only happens when iv clicked start streaming.


Active Member
In just over 2 years of service, there's been 67TB written to my OS drive. Since I write nothing directly to my OS drive, I'm fairly certain about 60TB of that data was VM.


New Member
the idea was that i stream it so that its all recorded on twitch servers and the authorities can see its on 24/7. No one from the council or environmental health agency is going to sift through a recorded 24 hour wave file, but if its a live stream with all of my noise diaries on display they might fell sympathetic and pull their finger out and get something done about it.

thanks for your response's.


New Member
you would think that it is but they are all the enemy. everyone they send here to help is one of them. they dont care about what its done to my mental stability and have no intention of resolving the issue because it fits their agenda of painting whitey as a monster. if it were possible to livestream it 24/7 then any one who checks it will see that theres always a few machines on at once and someone with some real authority may take some action.

tonight i will try resizing all of the images and the base canvas and stream output to sd maybe this will help my livestream it for over 12 hours without this problem happening.