Bug Report OBS users Doomed And Slapped Away From OBS?


New Member
so ya the tittle well see I used ddu and ive tried almost everything ive both seen and heard to get obs classic to work on my system but I get the error

texturemap something something its the error where obs crashes for a fake video card crash buuuuutt for anyone who thinks oh there must be a reason well lets see If ive tried every little detail to fix it and I mean everything from updating the driver to even trying to get it to work other ways I can play 2-3 matchs then crash and it crashes with all games idk for sure but seeing even nivida has tried to fix the error with the lastest driver and well they did seeing I can play most games which may I state complained about nividias error so this is in the end a issue with obs I want to know is obs going to look into nividias new drivers to see if theres something new in their coding or anything that could be a possible issue with their program I already know the info the devs will state

its not a problem with our program well sorry devs but guess what if so many are having issues with your program then "Wispers:hey it is your issue as well if 3 things are happening then ya its your problem 1.people cant use your program 2.so many are having an issue with a new update 3.people seem to have to do 2 things 1.leave to a different program or 2. downgrade their driver which may I remind you they shouldint have to ^_^"

so in the end guys its your problem I'm not hating I love obs but I'm just saying please please look into the new stuff as there must be an issue as ive done so many bug testing and I still get that error ok thanks


Community Helper
Not sure what drove you to leap to the conclusion that we were incompetent -- I would appreciate at least a little faith instead of assuming the worst.

Please at least try look into issues a bit more before flying off the handle in the future.