Question / Help OBS twitch streaming fps unstable


New Member
Hi guys, I'm having big problems while i'm streaming on twitch during these days.
I'm trying the overwatch beta and while i'm playing with 60fps stable and 0 framedrops in game, on the contrary my streaming has unstable fps. I have 0% dropped frames, but fps go up and down from 60 to 25, and i can't understand the reason why it happens.

My specs are quite good for streaming ( i7 980x extreme esacore, nvidia gtx 960, 12 gb ram) and my connection is good too ( 100mbits down, 10mbits up) and i've tried to change minor settings on obs , but nothing has changed.

My obs settings screenshots are here:

Thanks in advance for the help :)


Active Member
Post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer encode of high action content (i.e. not just standing around). Screenshots of the settings don't really tell us much.