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So this is a rather complicated thing to explain so I'll start from the beginning. I live in the middle of no where we get ADSL from a single company with a max speed of 6mb/s down and 1mb/s upload. Well I started streaming with this with about an 800 to 850 bitrate because I was lucky and some years ago a tech there some how managed my line to absolute perfection so I got 1.2mb/s upload speed. But recently there was some net issues my modem/router combo was re provisioned causing me to lose this speed. So after talking to some support people and finally one of the main techs I was able to get a bonded ADSL which with speed tests I get quite good speeds 10mb/s and 1.8 to 1.9mb/s upload. The issue is when I start to stream I lose a lot of frames if I have the settings where OBS Estimator suggests I should put them so I've lowered them several times and still lose frames so it feels like with upload and OBS I'm still back to what feels like a single line speed so I'm wondering if there is a settings in OBS I'm missing or something more specialized even. Or if just streaming on a bonded connection just doesn't work quite the same since it is two connections being turned into one. I also have used Twitchtest to get the kb/s from them they still usually come up with 1500 to 1700kb/s connection speed to Dallas,LA, and San Jose which makes sense since I'm kind of smack dab inbetween these places. But so the average bitrate OBS Estimator suggest is around 1360 with a buffer of 1360 not great I can make it work I've done so with less but I have to set my bitrate down to like 900 and even then it still likes to drop frames on occasion. So just wondering if anyways has any info on something like this with Bonded DSL and streaming even if it's something I need to call my ISP to change I can do that I'm one of the first people to get Bonded DSL here so they are quite accommodating since it's kind of a test for there system.Now you're going to want to know what settings I use on OBS so this next part is on that.
OBS Settings: 900bitrate with a 900buffer.
CBR,CBR Padding and Custom Buffer size all checked on
Audio is Codec: AAC, Birthrate 48, Format: 44.1kHz Channel: mono
Video: 1920x1080 With a downscale of 1.5, what ever one wants to work at the time
Filter: Lanczos
FPS: 25 or 30 I've tested them both
Advanced: Use Multithreaded Options is ON
Scene Buffering Time:700
X264 CPU Preset: Fast..It makes the stream look better with crappy net and I have the power to spare on it with my workhorse AMD-6200 3.8ghz I've put it through it's paces over the years and it's never let me down.
Encoding Profile: Main
Use CFR: Checked A copy of my most recent log file
So yes any help on this would be appreciated since i honestly don't know why it's not working I mean it's never going to work great with my net but I'm not understanding why I can't have a bitrate of like 1615 which would be what speed test suggest with a 1.9upload. Even twitch test suggests at least 1360 but I can't even get close to these I'm having to use 1000 bitrate or less and still have issues. So thanks again for any advice or knowledge one can come up with for this issue.
So this is a rather complicated thing to explain so I'll start from the beginning. I live in the middle of no where we get ADSL from a single company with a max speed of 6mb/s down and 1mb/s upload. Well I started streaming with this with about an 800 to 850 bitrate because I was lucky and some years ago a tech there some how managed my line to absolute perfection so I got 1.2mb/s upload speed. But recently there was some net issues my modem/router combo was re provisioned causing me to lose this speed. So after talking to some support people and finally one of the main techs I was able to get a bonded ADSL which with speed tests I get quite good speeds 10mb/s and 1.8 to 1.9mb/s upload. The issue is when I start to stream I lose a lot of frames if I have the settings where OBS Estimator suggests I should put them so I've lowered them several times and still lose frames so it feels like with upload and OBS I'm still back to what feels like a single line speed so I'm wondering if there is a settings in OBS I'm missing or something more specialized even. Or if just streaming on a bonded connection just doesn't work quite the same since it is two connections being turned into one. I also have used Twitchtest to get the kb/s from them they still usually come up with 1500 to 1700kb/s connection speed to Dallas,LA, and San Jose which makes sense since I'm kind of smack dab inbetween these places. But so the average bitrate OBS Estimator suggest is around 1360 with a buffer of 1360 not great I can make it work I've done so with less but I have to set my bitrate down to like 900 and even then it still likes to drop frames on occasion. So just wondering if anyways has any info on something like this with Bonded DSL and streaming even if it's something I need to call my ISP to change I can do that I'm one of the first people to get Bonded DSL here so they are quite accommodating since it's kind of a test for there system.Now you're going to want to know what settings I use on OBS so this next part is on that.
OBS Settings: 900bitrate with a 900buffer.
CBR,CBR Padding and Custom Buffer size all checked on
Audio is Codec: AAC, Birthrate 48, Format: 44.1kHz Channel: mono
Video: 1920x1080 With a downscale of 1.5, what ever one wants to work at the time
Filter: Lanczos
FPS: 25 or 30 I've tested them both
Advanced: Use Multithreaded Options is ON
Scene Buffering Time:700
X264 CPU Preset: Fast..It makes the stream look better with crappy net and I have the power to spare on it with my workhorse AMD-6200 3.8ghz I've put it through it's paces over the years and it's never let me down.
Encoding Profile: Main
Use CFR: Checked A copy of my most recent log file
So yes any help on this would be appreciated since i honestly don't know why it's not working I mean it's never going to work great with my net but I'm not understanding why I can't have a bitrate of like 1615 which would be what speed test suggest with a 1.9upload. Even twitch test suggests at least 1360 but I can't even get close to these I'm having to use 1000 bitrate or less and still have issues. So thanks again for any advice or knowledge one can come up with for this issue.