OBS TCL Build script


New Member
It is work in Progress. I currently improve it. It was created becouse of debugging various obs-linuxbrowser errors with cef.

It was created for debian stable (9x) to install prerequired libraries.

Maybe someone finds it usefull.

First download the zip extract it somewhere.

Then modify the first line in the obs-studio.tcl script to the path where you saved the funcs.tcl
lappend auto_path <somewhere>

Then configure the script, for the obs prefix etc. Just search the file for ##changeme##.
Some external dependencies may still need to be downloaded manually.

Now you need to install a nvidia or amd driver for hardware acceleration, or the build MAY fail.

See this: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/pipe-nvidia-throught-intel-chip-for-hw-accel.92218/

Now you can run the following command to install dependencies for debian 9.5
tclsh obs-studio.tcl comp-dependencies-debian

Warning, following steps may remove files!!!
Now you can either build with
tclsh obs-studio.tcl comp-ffmpeg-native comp-obs comp-cef comp-linuxbrowser
or rebuild
tclsh obs-studio.tcl comp-del-prefix clean-ffmpeg clean-obs clean-cef clean-linuxbrowser comp-ffmpeg-native comp-obs comp-cef comp-linuxbrowser
or delete everything, redownload and build
tclsh obs-studio.tcl comp-del-prefix rm-ffmpeg-native rm-obs rm-cef rm-linuxbrowser comp-ffmpeg-native comp-obs comp-cef comp-linuxbrowser


  • script_obs.7z
    4 KB · Views: 17
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