Question / Help OBS Stutters when recording/streaming

Bryan Annear

New Member
I've been trying to stream many different games, it works amazingly with LoL or WoW, but H1Z1 or Gang Beasts it kind of freezes, I've looked up many forums about it and I've tried changing the bitrate by 500s anywhere between 2000-4000, changing the FPS, game settings to lowest or max,encoder options, but nothing fixes the issue, only reduces the freezing. Its only the video, audio is flawless. The closest I've gotten was getting the bitrate to 3500, game on lowest settings, the encoder option set to fast, FPS at 30, then forcing my resolution to 1280x720. Computer is fine, i5-3330 quad-core processor, 16GB of ram, AMD R7800 gpu. Am I missing a setting or something that could impact it?