OBS has a stutter bug. It is small and many people would not notice it, however I do because I fly jets in BF3.
Gaming PC 3930k + 2Titans v-sync at 60 fps running to a splitter.
My streaming PC also has a 3930k.
You can see it by doing this.
Run OBS medium setting. (really any setting)
Go to BF3 Empty server and grab a jet, start doing loops - vertical and horizontal.
I can input the exact settings directly into xsplit and I get no stutter.
Hope this gets fixed.
Gaming PC 3930k + 2Titans v-sync at 60 fps running to a splitter.
My streaming PC also has a 3930k.
You can see it by doing this.
Run OBS medium setting. (really any setting)
Go to BF3 Empty server and grab a jet, start doing loops - vertical and horizontal.
I can input the exact settings directly into xsplit and I get no stutter.
Hope this gets fixed.