OBS Studio Twitter Integration

OBS Studio Twitter Integration v1.0


New Member
MHKetbi submitted a new resource:

OBS Studio Twitter Integration - A Python script for automating tweets about streaming status

# OBS Studio Twitter Integration

## Overview

This script provides a simple integration between OBS Studio and Twitter, allowing users to automatically send tweets when their OBS Studio stream starts or stops. It's designed to keep your followers updated about your streaming activities directly through Twitter.

## Prerequisites

- OBS Studio installed with the `obspython` module.
- Python 3.11.4 environment set up with the `tweepy` library installed.
- Valid Twitter API credentials...

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New Member
next version will add options in ui to make it easier, for now just edit the script for custom message.


New Member
version 0.2:
- added unix timestamp as measure to create differences between tweets and avoid getting "duplicate" tweet error.