Question / Help OBS Studio just eating bandwidth when open... What?


New Member
It's fine that it took a while, I am able to record at least without too many issues (Still have to work on the frames and such but meh, I'm learning). When I hide the game capture it looks about the same. I was just getting ready to do another recording on the next hour (About half an hour) so I'll cap a screenshot of it then as well and post it. I'll edit this post when I have the screenshot.


Because I can't remember if I had a program open to limit CPU usage of OBS a little bit (Makes the program super laggy and makes the video really choppy), I took two screen shots. The first one is with the video capture happening (Not recording), and the second is without.


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New Member
Hey guys, I think I have the exact same problem as Cloud557.. Any updates on this? Did you solve your issue Cloud? It's incredibly weird and annoying.. Can't start any game except Hearthstone which I guess is a very low bandwidth game.. Getting 0.3mbps down when I've got OBS and LoL running at the same time
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New Member
I seem to be having a similar problem. Opening OBS - not even starting a stream, just opening it... causes this drop in speed.

Opening OBS takes my internet speed from this /\ to this \/.
