Did.. did you just seriously just complain about "user friendliness" and then show me a pic of ableton live and DJ programs with bazillions of knobs, sliders, and settings on the main window?
"Userfriendly for me is" [...] "WTF is this shit?!" [..] "Optimized for noobs so they will never touch it".
"Userfriendly for me is" [...] "WTF is this shit?!" [..] "Optimized for noobs so they will never touch it".
Do you see the massive contradiction here? You keep saying "user friendly", but the phrase has lost all of its meaning. It's become a perversion of the phrase, its meaning hollow, and butchered into oblivion. If you say "user friendly" again I will jump out of my window through the glass right now, and then after writhing in pain on the ground, I will roll in the shards of glass until I black out. So just.. stop. Stop, please, just stop right there. I'm not even criticizing what you want. I'm criticizing how you're communicating it to me.
*Breathes deeply* ..Okay, listen. I understand that's what you want. It's perfectly reasonable to *want* something like that. We all can dream of having a program tailored to our personal needs and wants. But the way you've gone about doing it is not the right way. The way you criticize the program in such an overly exaggerated and unintentionally deceptive way; it's just not the right way to do it.
Let's stop here for a moment and examine the situation. Right now, again, I'm not criticizing what you want, I don't mind that. While it's unrealistic to expect one or two men to make the next ableton live ("ableton live, but for streaming!"), I've heard people ask for far more. I don't mind that you want this.
What I'm ultimately upset about right now is your inability to properly communicate it in a sensible way.
Firstly, your criticism is not constructive, it's clearly exaggerated ("years away"), uses unintentionally deceptive wording ("not userfriendly"), and I have to be honest here, although you may not mean it, it feels completely provocative. I don't mind negative criticism, people occasionally come around and express anger or will give harsh criticism if I messed something up, and I could name you a few. I always listen to it regardless, and try to do something about it. But the way you communicated your wishes here is probably about as unhelpful and the worst way to go about doing it as humanly possible.
Secondly, using the phrase "user friendly" was the wrong thing for you to say from the start. You're using the wrong phrases to describe what you want, "user friendly" is not the word you'd want to use here to describe how the program is "lacking" in your eyes. You'd want to use "customization", or some word similar to that.
I'll give you an example of you how you could have simply and concisely communicated this entire situation without having caused this cluster%&#* of a mess.
"I personally would prefer it if OBS had a lot more features, and all the features were on the main window, something like ableton live but for streaming. It just doesn't meet my needs at the moment. OBS caters too much to casual users, I'd prefer software that's catered to professional users. It's also somewhat unstable at the moment, so I've been using the classic version instead of studio." (although that last part is hypocritical because this entire thread was about a crash you're getting caused by a microsoft windows insider build)
That's how you could have phrased the entire thing from the very beginning. Do you see the difference? It uses proper wording, it's not provocative, it doesn't exaggerate; I summed up pretty much everything you wanted to communicate in one small, concise paragraph. I'm not asking you to praise me, and I don't even mind negative criticism at all. But what I do mind is when I see overblown, exaggerated, poorly worded, poorly thought-out negative criticism.
So next time, just think a lot more about how to communicate your wishes or problems.
Anyway, if you want something like that that has as many features as ableton live but for streaming, you'll be disappointed because that's not really what I'm trying to make. I have my own personal "vision" for how the program should be, and having millions of options on the main window isn't something I want for this interface. You'll simply have to live with that fact.
Now, let us cease this conversation, gracefully, while we both still have the chance. Let's let it go now. Before trying to communicate further, find and read the book "how to win friends and influence people".