OBS Studio 27.1 Release Candidate

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Forum Admin
Disclaimer: This is a test build, not a full release. This build may contain bugs or broken functionality. For production usage, we still recommend using the latest stable build of OBS. If you are willing to test this build, please let us know if you run into any issues.

We have Release Candidate build for OBS Studio v27.1 available for testing! This will be a major release with lots of new features, including:
  • YouTube integration!
    • Allows the ability to connect your YouTube account without using a stream key
    • Adds various features when starting your stream that allows you to set settings for each stream: your stream title, description, privacy settings, scheduling streams, and more
    • Also features a chat dock for public and unlisted broadcasts (currently read-only)
  • An 18-scene multiview option
  • A “Mask Only” option to the stinger track matte
  • A feature to browser sources to allow limited control over OBS
  • An option to draw safe areas in the preview (same as the safe areas in the multiview)
  • And much, much more!
Find the the full patch notes and download links for OBS Studio 27.1 Release Candidate 3 here:
Ubuntu users: You can try the unstable branch with the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio-unstable
sudo apt install obs-studio
And if you want to remove it:
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:obsproject/obs-studio-unstable
sudo apt remove obs-studio

Please give the release a try and let us know here or in the #beta-testing channel on Discord if you have any issues. Thanks for your help!
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New Member
I think I found a bug...

After streaming to YouTube after syncing my account with Google, I told OBS to stop streaming (side note: if I stop streaming, I also have the button checked so that when I do start streaming, it starts recording as well). Anyway, when I hit the stop streaming button, I got a dialog box that popped up and asked me if I wanted to stop streaming. Yet, I verified that I unchecked that box to make sure that box wouldn't come up before I started streaming. Rebooting the computer doesn't solve the issue. This issue is not seen in V27.0.

Running Windows 10, 64 bit, 1 TB SSD, 16 GB RAM, September 1st 2021 optional cumulative patch from Microsoft Installed, build 190443. 3.2 GHZ processor from AMD.

P.S. The YouTube integration works flawlessly. And, a slight juddering video issue I had in 27.0 also is gone now.


For me using the RC my custom browser docks keep resizing to be really small whenever I open OBS from close. On another computer though the RC remembers browser docks sizing.


New Member
After installing and testing, there is a problem with Battlefield V capture (hangs). Version 27.0.1 works fine.


New Member
Hello. Unfortunately, for me, most games are not captured properly (hangs after loading) from newer RC versions (even removing and re-adding the game does not do anything). However, in 27.0.1 everything works fine without any problems - I don't know what it may depend on.


New Member
Hi. For some reason I’m not able to use Media source for SRT on RC3. Using srt://IP-address:port?mode=listener as input doesn’t show any picture. When opening preferences I might be able to see a picture for second or so but then it usually disappears and on OBS main window it doesn’t show at all. Normally Larix on a phone informs if there are any connection issues but in this case it seems to send video fine - it just doesn’t show up on RC3. With version 27.0.1 I haven’t had any problems with this. I’m using an old 2015 MB Pro with Big Sur 11.6. Sorry if this has been reported earlier.
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