Bug Report OBS Studio 17.0.0 UWP Game Capture Trouble :(


http://pastebin.com/iiw885fi <-- Dat Log

I know it just came out. I thought I'd report on it as soon as possible. It's not mandatory that it be fixed asap. Take your time guys. Have a Merry Christmas everybody <3


EDIT: btw this was capturing Gears of War 4. I'll test out other games.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Did you install OBS to location outside of either of the C:\Program Files folders? If you did, you have to change the permissions of your OBS folder. You have to add a permission for "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES", and set it to be able read/execute/list. This is a known issue with capturing UWP games if you install obs to a custom location. When it's installed to either of the C:\Program Files folders, it gets that permission automatically, but if it's not installed to those folders (i.e. you set a custom install location), you have to add that permission to the obs folder manually.

Suslik V

Active Member
Want to aware that version number for OBS Studio 17.x.x vs x.16.x (may cause problems with update reminder in case of next build x.18.x). Is the version 17.0.0 of the software is a right number and next major update will be 18.x.x ?


@Jim Yeah. It's installed on my secondary drive. I'll run the installer on my C: Drive and give it a try and report back here soon. :-)

EDIT: That fixed it. Works fine now. Thanks Jim :D
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New Member
I hate to ask for help on someone's thread, but I'm having the same issue capturing UWP games (forza horizon 3)
I have the 'all application packages' options all set to what they need to be, but the only way to capture UWP games is still monitor capture. I could have sworn I read that OBS update 17.0.0 was going to allow full UWP capture, but I guess I don't know how haha


New Member
I hate to ask for help on someone's thread, but I'm having the same issue capturing UWP games (forza horizon 3)
I have the 'all application packages' options all set to what they need to be, but the only way to capture UWP games is still monitor capture. I could have sworn I read that OBS update 17.0.0 was going to allow full UWP capture, but I guess I don't know how haha

Me neither. When I read the change log of OBS studio 17 support UWP games capture, I updated my obs immediately.
i used normal game capture as for ordinary win32 games to capture uwp, nothing but a black screen(which same as obs previous versions).