Question / Help OBS Stops Streaming When Switching to Game


New Member

I'm trying to stream Metroid Prime Trilogy on my Wii U but OBS stops streaming as soon as I switch the display on my monitor from my PC to the Wii U. The stream works fine if I leave my monitor showing the PC, as see the game via the OBS window, but when I switch to the Wii U display, OBS stops streaming so nothing shows on Twitch.

When I go back to my PC, the start streaming button is greyed out for a few moments but OBS is still recording. Eventually I can restart the stream but I have the same problem. I can stream normal Wii U games, like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon, so I think that it might be something to do with the vWii used by the eShop version of Prime Trilogy.

This is my latest log from OBS:

Thank you for any help that you can give me :)

Edit: I just tested the Wii U again from the main menu and it seems to stop streaming as soon as I switch from PC to the Wii U, regardless of what I am doing. I was just using the Wii U menu and then switched from PC to the Wii U and the stream stopped. I've been streaming in the past so I'm not sure what has gone wrong.
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Active Member
Do you have more than one monitor?
Are you leaving the monitor connected to the PC and just using a switch of some kind?

Initial thought is that Windows will freak out a bit if it has NO active monitor, and will stop rendering aspects of the OS entirely as it doesn't have a monitor so it thinks there's no point.
A second monitor should be considered basic livestreaming hardware anyway; can you switch the WiiU over to that, assuming you have one, and leave the other attached/set to the computer input?

10:09:02: Audio device 'IPS234-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)' has been lost, attempting to reinitialize
10:09:07: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Received FD_CLOSE, 5052 ms since last send (buffer: 0 / 272384)
10:09:07: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to FD_CLOSE, error 0

Normally you see that FD_CLOSE error when the remote server times out. But the first line about the audio device being lost appears to suggest that the GPU is freaking out as the monitor is 'disappearing'. So either you're unplugging the monitor to plug in the WiiU, or your HDMI switch isn't maintaining the EDID handshake to all ports.
In short, time to get a second monitor. They normally can be picked up pretty cheap, even for a small one, at a secondhand store.

You might also look into 'virtual monitor' software. It's NOT a good solution, but it might work. Essentially it fakes a monitor on your GPU. Normally used for iGPUs to enable QSV encoding. Google is your friend on that one though.