Bug Report OBS stops streaming and restarts after 10 seconds


New Member
My OBS will stop streaming after a certain amount of time and it will resume streaming after 10 seconds.

This happens everytime I broadcast for a few hours and can happen even within the first hour.


00:56:01: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Socket error, send() returned -1, GetLastError() 10054
00:56:01: Total frames rendered: 377727, number of frames that lagged: 19 (0.01%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
00:56:01: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (79 bytes)
00:56:01: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
00:56:01: Number of times waited to send: 6, Waited for a total of 23627 bytes
00:56:01: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
00:56:01: =====Stream End: 2013-06-28, 00:56:01=================================================

You can see that I start streaming at 9:26 PM and at 12:56 AM the stream decides to stop and restart.

How can I set the stream up so that I can stream for 24 hours straight without the stream restarting?


New Member
it happened again, streamed for 4 hours today

22:29:57: RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Increasing socket send buffer to ISB 262144
22:29:58: RTMPPublisher::BufferedSend: Increasing socket send buffer to ISB 524288
01:57:28: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Socket error, send() returned -1, GetLastError() 10054
01:57:28: Total frames rendered: 414343, number of frames that lagged: 28 (0.01%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
01:57:28: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (79 bytes)
01:57:28: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
01:57:28: Number of times waited to send: 9, Waited for a total of 36880 bytes
01:57:28: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
01:57:28: =====Stream End: 2013-06-30, 01:57:28=================================================
01:57:38: Using fixed low latency mode, factor 20
01:57:38: =====Stream Start: 2013-06-30, 01:57:38===============================================