Question / Help OBS Settings


New Member
Hey, I'm trying to stream BF3.
I have a 50 up 50 down connection.
I live in norway and choose the UK server.
I have it set to 2500 max bitrate and 2500 buffer size.
Quality balance is set to 8 and CBR is on.
Base resolution is 1920 by 1080 and it's downscaled to 1280 by 720
FPS is set to 30.
X264 cpu preset is set to very fast.
Rest is default. I need some advice, i'm still dropping frames. The quality and fps on stream is very good but it's still dropping frames. It's not dropping alot, but it's still noticable.


Community Helper
Assuming you're streaming to Twitch? The Twitch UK server is currently offline and all traffic is being rerouted to Amsterdam. I recommend the Stockholm server or, oddly enough, the US Ashburn server.


Active Member
Yes. The problem is most likely the Twitch server. If you're trying to stream to the Amsterdam ingest server, it's HOSED at the moment. If you're trying to stream to the UK Twitch server, it's being re-routed to the Amsterdam server, and is by extension also hosed.

Switch ingest servers as dodgepong recommended, or please post a log file of a live streaming session where the issue is occurring.