Question / Help OBS Settings Help


New Member
I've been wondering if it's at all possible for me to stream on my laptop even though the stats on it are pretty awful. I figured maybe if I lowered the quality enough I might be able to stream. Can anybody give me some advice? I'm working on saving up for a desktop, but for now, this is what I've got. >.< ... html?dnr=1

And my upload speed is about 9 mbps

I wanted to stream games like Super Hexagon, Audiosurf, Terraria, The Binding of Isaac. Nothing too fancy. Is this at all possible?


Community Helper
It can't hurt to just try it and see. Use to get some baseline settings. It's definitely not a very powerful machine but you can try to see what you can get away with. It may turn out to be too slow, but the best way to know for sure is to just try it.


New Member
I bet you could probably pull a 360p or 480p stream out of that machine at a lower bitrate and not drop frames. It might be asking too much to do 720p though. I'd start with a bitrate of 750Kbps and work your way up, trying different resolutions, til you find a result that works for you. Also play around with the x264 preset setting, but I would not recommend going slower than "Very Fast" on that rig.