OBS Seamlessly crashing upon switching the Scene Selection - Plugins that could be a problem: Move Transition (Audio)


New Member
Hello, I'm experiencing crashes when I try to switch scene selections. I created a livestream setup and put a lot of work into the effects, I went to create a new scene before thinking to export the scene selection first.

I have gone into %appdata% to retrieve the JSON source file and make a copy of that scene selection as I spent many hours creating it and now seem to not be able to load it or any other scene selection.

My latest crash report along with the log is attached in this thread. Please let me know if there are any other details I can share with you that might help me to diagnose the cause of this problem. Thank you


  • 2024-02-23 10-30-18.txt
    15.7 KB · Views: 11
  • Crash 2024-02-22 16-32-25.txt
    150 KB · Views: 19