Question / Help OBS Rendering Lag 60FPS

I think I am having an issue with OBS where the game is over 60, the software is set to record to 60 but the recording doesn't feel like that many frames, it feels like 45

If you are up to help me out, I've got some videos for you to watch over and let me know if it feels like 60FPS :

No, I am not interested in promoting my youtube channel, I do videos in Romanian so it wouldn't make sense to promote it here, but I really need some help

I don't know if it's me that can't see if it is or it is not 60FPS or there is something with my computer

I really don't know how to fix this issue and I need your help

OBS is telling me it is recording in 60 frames, even when I record the number doesn't go below 60, but I the recording it's just not that smooth

I've initially used OBS classic and a couple of days ago recognised this issue, I've changed to OBS studio but the problem is still there

I've tried other recording softwares and those seem to work better, seem to get 60FPS recordings while OBS can't

I don't think this has ever happened to anyone else, at least I couldn't find any forum threads similar with this

I hope someone can help out and I can fix this issue, I want my recordings to be smooth 60FPS not 45.

Thank you

Deleted member 70571

There's rendering lag but it's relatively minor. You can switch to VBR and downscale with bicubic filtering to see if that helps.

Edit: Webcams use CPU so I recommend tweaking its settings too.
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I've tried changing the settings but the issue is still there, I've even disabled my facecam, you are right, it's a rendering lag issue, but how am I supposed to fix it ?
Rendering lags come from maximum GPU loads which OBS can't keep up if you're playing a game in which it uses it all up. You will have to limit the in-game FPS or use Vsync @ 60Hz assuming you don't dip below 60fps in the process.
The GPU should not maximize in a game like Geometry Dash, I also have a 144HZ Monitor so I force it up to 144 Frames but it shouldn't happen with a 980ti, it's still a powerfull GPU, maybe the bitrate is too high or some setting need to be tweaked, it's weird cause it's not happening to a lot of people, I haven't seen many people having this issue

EDIT: I am sure it's a setting in OBS because when I use other softwares those can record 60FPS without rendering lag

Deleted member 70571

I think Unknown Richard is right. The GTX 980 Ti is without doubt a powerful card but has its limits too. If your monitor supports 72Hz, use it.
I don't want to limit my Monitor to 72Hz, I bought it specially to use it's 144Hz function, I am sure it's a setting in OBS which needs to be changed in order to get fix

I'll try to tweak some settings

Deleted member 70571

Cap or sync frame rate to refresh rate. Lower graphics if your system can't keep up.
You are completely right, I will try xSplit to see if it fixes the issue and use it until OBS resolves it

I will be tweaking the OBS settings around to see if I can manage to find out what's the issue but I wish an OBS admin or someone who works for them could help us out

I really appreciate that others members from this community come together and help each other but it would be much easier if someone experienced could help us to fix the issue

Since with other recording softwares there isn't this issue and only when I use OBS, either there is a setting that needs to be changed or OBS itself need an update to fix this bug

I am glad to see that this is an issue indeed and not a mistake on my end, I was really confused since the software was telling me that I record in 60fps but the recording itself isn't smooth


Yeah, I use another program to record some games that have this problem if I dont want to turn on Vsync.

I found that sometimes using window capture instead of game capture actually works, (i'm not sure if it works in fullscreen or just borderless windowed try both). However, sometimes window capture just increases lag.


New Member
I have the same problem and if u are on 75 hz, move to 60 hz ! I know, its too late but maybe someone have the same problem and if he see this he will fix the error :))