Question / Help OBS Recording quality 1440p


New Member
Hello everyone!
After a day of searching i have gotten even more confused :/ literally everyone says the exact opposite

So i'm trying to record the highest quality possible videos for youtube (Record not stream) and whatever set of settings i tried just doesn't do it for me, i feel like it's missing something and little help would be very much appreciated
I don't mind the:
file sizes,render&export times,upload time...etc
So far these are the settings i'm using:


and my premire pro export settings:
2560x1440 60FPS
Target bitrate 24
Max bitrate 50
(i followed the youtube recommended bitrate but still looks crappy)

Some people say CBR is better than VBR for quality, others say the opposite...
i play games like battlefield so plenty of action scenes happening
and this is my latest test video: