Question / Help OBS Recording is heavy in bass

Frost Guardian

New Member
i have made several video files and they all are deeper in sound then when i record them. is test footage for clarity. i have tried manipulating settings but with no avail. i have changed desktop audio reciever from my G930 headset to default and its still the same. my rig is a i7 47k series and a Nvidia GTX 970 4gb card with internet speeds of 200 down and 50 up. i have no log file as its not an error but a settings issue; either with my own desktop settings interfering or obs having some attenuation protocall like windows does with skype.

encoding cbr box unchecked
max bitrate 1000
buffer size 0
x264 encoder

audio codec AAC
format 48 hz
bitrate 160
channel stereo

priority proccess class high
x264 cpu preset ultra fast
encoding profile high
cfr checked
custom x264 is set at crf=8
thats all ive messed with.
thanks for reading this yall.