Question / Help OBS, recorded video and its stuck one one frame for the whole video.


New Member
Hello, so i recorded a video, playing League of Legends. I then watched back on the video and the first ~10-20 seconds are ok, but the rest of the video is just stuck on one frame. I am aware of the fact that my pc isnt the greatest, therefore i tried to lower the encoding etc, by looking at videos - still same problem. Short videos (10-20 sec) are ok, small lag, but not too much, so its not a big problem. I'm looking to find out what I have to do, maybe it's not necessarily my pc, maybe I've f#cked up somewhere in the settings.

Log file:
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Black Ops

Total frames encoded: 63677, total frames duplicated: 63121 (99.13%)

Simpy put, your PC is too weak and old to record. Only choice is to upgrade