Question / Help OBS preview freezing, forcing restart with certain games


New Member
Hi folks! Trying to get OBS ready for a 24 hour charity stream and having trouble with two of the games we'll be playing.

After about 45 seconds of GTA Online or DOOM 2016 the preview will freeze, but the audio levels will keep moving. The stream will be frozen too.

If I tell the stream to stop the button will change to 'Stopping stream' but will never stop and I'll have to close the program entirely to force it to stop.

I thought maybe it was a hook thing so I tried capturing a window and capturing from my elgato. Still same issue.

Any help? I've included the log of the last time it happened.


  • 2016-09-23 22-10-00.txt
    14 KB · Views: 23


1. Thank you for posting the log.
2. You might want to pop in chat for faster help.
3. Your CPU isn't keeping up with the encoding demand of 1920x1080@30p:
22:12:25.349: Output 'simple_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 636 (53.5%)
22:12:25.822: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=24.545 ms, median=25.04 ms, max=126.039 ms, 67.6252% within ±2% of 25 ms (0% lower, 32.3748% higher)
22:12:25.822: obs_video_thread(33.3333 ms): min=1.189 ms, median=33.333 ms, max=130.29 ms, 48.3283% within ±2% of 33.333 ms (25.8592% lower, 25.8125% higher)

Try setting the downscale resolution to 1280x720 on the settings->Video->Output (Scaled) Resolution option.


One other thing (or maybe 2):
22:10:00.194: Physical Memory: 8053MB Total, 930MB Free

1. Make sure your system is running in Dual channel memory mode.
2. Make sure you aren't running out of memory. If OBS is starting, and you only have 930MiB free, and you still have to start a game (or whatnot), you might be running out of memory.


New Member
It still happened after changing downscale, but I changed the 264 profile to superfast and canvas resolution to 720p and it's working fine now.

One BIG problem is I discovered that each time the game froze and I closed it it was leaving an exe open in the background that was still using up to 10% CPU for each instance!