1. Classic is dead.
2. This is a post about Studio, in the Studio forum. Please don't try to hi-jack threads.
3. Classic is not only dead, but completely unsupported. Please update to Studio.
Does changing the GPU value in "Studio" (Classic doesn't even have this option) still works? Can I have a GPU recording gameplay if I set the value to "1" instead of "0"?
As I stated before, I'm asking, because when using Classic it only shows a blackscreen, but in Studio it displays image. From what I've heard, for the gameplay to be recorded, it has to be running in the same GPU as the running game.
Simplifying: If I have a GPU on the top slot and one on the lower slot, by setting "GPU" value to "1" under Video Settings, will it use the lower slot GPU as the NVENC? Or will it still use the GPU I'm using to run the game regardless of the value?