Question / Help OBS or ISP issues?


New Member
Hello, I yesterday noticed while I was streaming my OBS settings were 720p@45 fps, and with maxbitrate@920 and bitrate@850 and use CBR was on and minimize network impact was on, and reduce ping was on. Every time I started stream my internet crashed and my modem and router restarted and it bugged out, resulting in bugged VOIP which I needed to call my ISP to fix it. I didn't have telephone for a quite a long time. I am on 15/1.2 Mbps internet connection and all other settings are fine because I tested them 99 times. Today I streamed without 'reduce network imapact' and without 'low ping mode' and internet didn't crash BUTTTTTTTT the livestream is more pixelated. What to do ?
PS: my pc cpu usage and gpu aren't problem or anything because when I stream LoL I have about 90-150 fps @1080p playing.


New Member
Figured out something, when using CBR the livestream is so much better, 0 pixelation + ping is more constant. CBR is awesome


New Member
Wow, some good stuff on OBS. Without any options on raw livestream my ping goes from 30 to 250 always. With low latency mode it goes 30-160. With CBR and LOW LATENCY it goes 30-160 but no pixels. With CBR and LOW LATENCY and MINIMIZE NETWORK IMPACT the ping is 37 locked and it is perfect. But I am scared the internet can crash again as yesterday.