OBS only picks up one audio track when recording

Carter Y

New Member
I currently have 3 audio tracks set to be picked up by OBS (one for desktop audio, one for discord specifically, and one for my mic). When I start recording, it only picks up one of the tracks, and from a little experimentation: it seems to only grab the loudest track upon pressing record. OBS was recording fine several days ago, and I had made no changes to the settings.

Logs and screenshots of OBS settings provided. Any help with this is greatly appreciated
Note: Settings have been tinkered with since the problem started and the opening of this ticket



  • obs1.png
    177.2 KB · Views: 100
  • obs2.png
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Active Member
According to your log, 3 audio tracks are written to your video files. Looks good.

Keep in mind media players will play only one track at a time. They will never mix audio tracks and replay all 3 at the same time. You can switch between them. To make use of a multi track audio recording, you need to use a postprocessing software and postprocess your video, mix the 3 audio tracks appropriately and replace them with the one mixed track. The purpose of multi track audio recording is the ability to postprocess the different sources differently. If you don't need/don't do this, multi track audio recording is pointless.

Carter Y

New Member
Heya, thanks for the reply

That actually explains a lot. I figured Window's video player would just squish the audio tracks together when previewing. I hadn't gotten to editing, so I wasn't plugging them into Vegas yet, but did a quick check and they built fine once they were inside.

Thanks again for the response :)