Bug Report OBS Not Responding after Broadcast


New Member
I recently switched to OBS, and everything with it has been great, save one issue. Whenever I end my broadcasts with OBS (v.448a), the program stops responding. Not even the Task Manager can manage to close it, either. I don't see any error reports regarding it, either. Do I need to just download OBS again?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Are you saving to files or anything like that? If so, what sort of file are you saving to, MP4? Or are you not saving to files? I haven't encountered such a freeze up.


Are you using Dxtory with OBS by chance? I noticed that when you use Dxtory, OBS will often hang when starting/stoping streaming or preview until you either stop recording with Dxtory, or switch to the game source that Dxtory is capturing.


New Member
No, not saving to files. Nor am I using Dxtory (though I did hear about that from my friend who introduced me to OBS). Sorry I can't offer any more information about it


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm not entirely sure what would be the problem. Sounds rather strange.


New Member
Meant to post about this, but had little time. I removed the program from my computer, then downloaded it again. Works rather well now. aside from an occasional connection issue (but that is due to my end)