Question / Help OBS not recording Teamspeak sound


New Member
I seem to be having the opposite issue that most people have when I search for Teamspeak problems. I don't want to NOT have it (or have it on a separate channel). I want OBS to record in-game sounds, Teamspeak sounds, and my mic. Currently I can only get it to record in-game sounds and my mic, but for some reason Teamspeak doesn't come through.

In OBS there are 5 listed desktop audio devices. Only one will record in-game sounds (Speakers - Realtek High Definition Audio).

If it helps, I am using OBS to record Arma 3 videos. I'm also using Task Force Radio mod, which includes a plugin for Teamspeak.

Anyone have any ideas why it might not be receiving the Teamspeak sounds? I hear everything in my headset, but it's just not on the recorded video.

Thanks for any advice.


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When you say you hear everything in your headset, does that mean you have teamspeak set up to only output to your headset or something?


New Member
Thought I'd come back and say it's been resolved. I was indeed having Teamspeak output to the headset, but OBS was set to record speakers. I switched Teamspeak to output to speakers (which, coincidentally, still allowed me to hear everything through my headphones) and OBS started recording. The Teamspeak sound was really quiet, so I adjusted the output volume in the Windows sound settings. Everything works fine now. Cheers!


New Member

I'm having the same issue and I can fix it the same way by forcing all the sound through my headphones. However I do not want to do this. I want my game sound to come from my speakers, my voicechat (team speak) to come from my headset and record my voice from my headset as well. I want to record all that sound in my videos. I downloaded a plugin called direct sound but it only works to record from my headset not the output from my speakers/headset.

I have my speakers plugged into my back speaker port and my headset plugged into the front with all my sound broke up as stated above.

Any ideas how I can do this without forcing all my sound into my headset?

Thx and if you need more information let me know.
I have the Problem that i only hab Headphones - how should i say that it should only go through them ? #Only PC & headphones and no other Program. Please Help me :c
and i have low fps when i recorded it - mabye i didnt render it - how do i do that ? xD