Bug Report OBS not picking mic sound in game


New Member
Hi. I know this has been posted before but the ones i found were old from 2014. I'm having a problem trying to record a gameplay with OBS, The desktop sounds is alright and mic sounds are picked when OBS is on top or the only program open, the problem is that as soon as i go and open a game, only the game sounds are picked, it doesn't pick and mic voice sound, i have tried many set ups, checking and unchecking the push to talk box, checking and unchecking the mic timestrap thingy and unchecking the CBR in encoding tab, i also used the mic on settings as default, and put it as default on windows too. The weird thing is that it only works when i uncheck the push to talk box but the problem is that the mic sounds stays open the whole time and the background noise really messes up the recordings sounds...i really need help here please.

Here's my log