Question / Help OBS not detecting sound when using VAC


New Member
Hello everybody.

I recently made the switch from xsplit to OBS and I have my stream all setup and working for the most part. My only problem is the sound. Currently I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 I normally would use Virtual Audio Cable to detect sound to use in xsplit. My problem, OBS is not detecting the sound. I have my microphone Audio device set to Line In (Virtual Audio Cable). If somebody could please walk me through on how to get sound from my Dazzle to OBS that would be great!

My current setup is here


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VAC may only work well on the latest versions of OBS, 0.452 and below required the "sync fix" option that it had to use VAC properly.


New Member
Jim, I downloaded the latest version and set my mic to Virtual Cable. Still no sound is showing in OBS and on stream.


New Member
If this information helps. When using xsplit to get sound I must go through VAC then configure my capture source>go to crossbar>then for input and output go to Audio Decoder Out and Audio Line In

Shown here