Question / Help OBS NDI Plugin problem


New Member

I've got a duel streaming PC setup using the NDI plugin and it works fine, however, I use a wireless connection for my gaming PC to play on and also for the streaming PC to upload the stream. However, I want to use an ethernet cable to link the two computers and to allow the stream to be transferred via ethernet between the two. The problem is, NDI will only work on a full wireless connection or a full wired connection.

So the question is, how can I make the gameplay to be transferred via ethernet cable and to game/upload via a wireless connection? See the picture below for a better example of what I'm trying to achieve. Thanks.


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Active Member
In OBS on the streaming PC, go to Settings > Advanced.

You can choose which network card OBS uses. If you configure that adapter manually with an appropriate IP address (don't use DHCP) and no default router, then the computer won't use that interface as a route to the internet, but will use it to send NDI traffic to your LAN.

Configure the card in your gaming PC similarly; a private IP on the same subnet and no default router.


New Member
I configured my Gaming PC/Streaming PC to have the following IP'S through the ethernet cable and made sure IPv6 was disabled to stop interference.

Gaming PC:
Streaming PC:

I then went onto OBS and binded the following IP'S in advanced settings.

OBS Gaming PC:
OBS Streaming PC:

I ended up then not receiving anything on my streaming PC. The image below shows my ethernet status. Pinging both computers using CMD, just shows a timed out request. So I'm guessing the computers aren't connected properly via ethernet or did I do something wrong? Thanks.

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You set the wrong IP address range. is public. Go type that in your browser and see where it goes.

You should use private IP4 network range of to or to


New Member
You set the wrong IP address range. is public. Go type that in your browser and see where it goes.

You should use private IP4 network range of to or to
Thanks, I also had to make the network private instead of public. Now I can see the preview perfectly fine.

However, when I bind both IP's together through OBS, it doesn't allow me to stream and I get 'failed to connect to server'. The only solution I found, was to change the gaming PC's IP and to keep the streaming PC set to default, so it can use the wifi to upload. But doing this means I can't start/stop the stream via my gaming PC. Any workarounds?


i strongly recommend that you do NOT use Wifi. You are creating more trouble for yourself by doing so. Wifi is very unstable and you will not benefit as opposed to a wired Fast Gigabit Ethernet connection. The purpose of your setup is for performance. Don't kill it by using slow unstable Wifi!!!


New Member
i strongly recommend that you do NOT use Wifi. You are creating more trouble for yourself by doing so. Wifi is very unstable and you will not benefit as opposed to a wired Fast Gigabit Ethernet connection. The purpose of your setup is for performance. Don't kill it by using slow unstable Wifi!!!
Sadly my router and running an ethernet cable to my PC isn't possible. So this was the best solution I could figure out.

After doing some network testing, it seems even after configuring the IP's in OBS, it still transfers using wifi only. Seems like a limitation by the NDI plugin itself. So guess I'm stuck just streaming on my Gaming PC. Thanks for the help anyway.


Doesn't have to be near your computers. You can run Cat 6 Ethernet cable from the cable modem/router to your computers.
Get a stud finder and find empty space between the studs. Knock out a small hole through wall and cover with an outlet. Run the Ethernet cable overhead or under the attic.
It takes some work. If there is a will there is a way.


Active Member
Only bind on the copy of OBS streaming NDI. If you bind the other it either won't see the NDI source or won't be able to stream to the Internet.


New Member
Only bind on the copy of OBS streaming NDI. If you bind the other it either won't see the NDI source or won't be able to stream to the Internet.
For some strange reason when I do that, the gaming PC uses wifi to send to the streaming pc and then it uploads.


Active Member
Ok, let me clarify. When I said "Only bind on the copy of OBS streaming NDI" I mean the gaming machine-- the machine that is streaming via NDI to the streaming PC that is uploading to your streaming service.

I also have to echo what SumDim said-- in the above setup your streaming PC is uploading via wifi, which is strongly discouraged.


New Member
Ok, let me clarify. When I said "Only bind on the copy of OBS streaming NDI" I mean the gaming machine-- the machine that is streaming via NDI to the streaming PC that is uploading to your streaming service.

I also have to echo what SumDim said-- in the above setup your streaming PC is uploading via wifi, which is strongly discouraged.
Yes, that's correct, that's how it's setup.

Using wifi is my only option and it's very stable anyway, I was getting the same connection and stability as connecting my laptop via ethernet. Talking to other streamers, it seems if you have a decent router, streaming over wifi is very possible and if not the same as ethernet.


New Member
I have a related question and not sure where to post this: I don't want to use wireless to connect the streaming pc to the gaming pc but I don't have an extra ethernet port on the gaming pc plug into the streaming pc.

Is it a horrible idea to just get an ethernet to USB cable?


New Member
If you don't have the option for a cable directly from your router perhaps you could use an old router as a media bridge, that way the traffic from the gaming to the streaming would go via cable and 1 gigabit and the stream would go via the wifi to the internet ..

I've done this on my sons setup and it works like a charm :)

// Lars


New Member
I was able to get this to work. I have my gaming computer plugged into my streaming computer and both connected to the internet via wifi connection, not wired. It's a little finicky at first but once the connection is established, it's rock solid.
  1. After you plug in the ethernet cable, restart both computers.
  2. Open OBS on both PCs
  3. Initiate NDI Broadcast on gaming computer
  4. Try adding NDI source on streaming computer.
    1. If it's not visible as a source, then go back to gaming computer and add the NDI Source to itself.
    2. It's weird I know, but once I add the NDI Source on the Gaming computer to OBS on the Gaming computer, you can go back to the streaming computer
    3. Add the NDI source on the streaming computer and it should now be visible.
    4. Back to the gaming computer remove the NDI source in OBS on the Gaming computer (otherwise you get weird artifacts cuz it's trying to capture itself.
  5. You should not be capturing the feed from your gaming computer and be able to broadcast via Wifi. Wifi seems pretty sufficient to broadcast.
On a side note, I have the gaming computer on a 5ghz connection and the streaming on a 2.4ghz connection (range issues) but the stream works find.

  • If your stream is extremely laggy, open task manager.
  • Open the performance tab and make sure both ethernet and wifi are transferring data
    • Ethernet for NDI
    • Wifi for stream.
  • If only wifi is transferring data, turn off wifi, restart OBS and repeat steps above until you have an NDI Connection.
  • Turn wifi back on. This should fix the issue.
  • You might encounter issues with your browser not connecting to the internet...still working on this one. I'll keep you posted, but the stream will work.
Message me if anyone has any questions or can't get it to work.
Check out my stream, Tues , Thurs (10pm-12am) and Saturdays 2-5pm
I configured my Gaming PC/Streaming PC to have the following IP'S through the ethernet cable and made sure IPv6 was disabled to stop interference.

Gaming PC:
Streaming PC:

I then went onto OBS and binded the following IP'S in advanced settings.

OBS Gaming PC:
OBS Streaming PC:

I ended up then not receiving anything on my streaming PC. The image below shows my ethernet status. Pinging both computers using CMD, just shows a timed out request. So I'm guessing the computers aren't connected properly via ethernet or did I do something wrong? Thanks.

same issue


New Member
for my part I was in version 27 of obs and the plugin works well but now it's a disaster.....
I even went down to version 25 of obs but same observation
my local ip to send via Ethernet is ok (since Voice meeter can send the stream on Ethernet)
basically the ndi plugin seems to refuse to send... on both machines... neither of them can see each other even if I disable all cards except Ethernet...
my ethernet config:
both in ipv4 because the ipv6 disconnects and so I cut them on pc 1


New Member
for my part I was in version 27 of obs and the plugin works well but now it's a disaster.....
I even went down to version 25 of obs but same observation
my local ip to send via Ethernet is ok (since Voice meeter can send the stream on Ethernet)
basically the ndi plugin seems to refuse to send... on both machines... neither of them can see each other even if I disable all cards except Ethernet...
my ethernet config:
both in ipv4 because the ipv6 disconnects and so I cut them on pc 1
then i said a mistake on the ip: it was and
and after changing them to on pc 1 and on pc 2 it detects the source but does not display it.... RHAAAAAAA
I have to force the sending of pc 1 on the ip of pc 2 and even consta....