Bug Report OBS MP Cant have more than 1 Video Capture Source

im guessing its some thing to do with aver media and there lgp streaming engine

because i just removed the aver source entirely

added in the new camera source nad then readded aver media lgp streaming engine and i now have both working?>?? sorry for wasted time at least this may have shined a light on a possible bug regarding lgp and the obs new system


New Member
I don't know. You're literally the only person I've ever seen with this issue, so it has to be something going on with your hardware, capture devices, USB, or drivers.

He's definately not the only one that is having this problem, I am also having this problem, I posted a details on the issue/error, and image uploaded for others to see, most people (average people just give up and finished) but what I dont understand is most people in youtube including myself, were having no problem before with obs, a few months later this error happens, you can see most errors in youtube by people, not many with this type on windows 7, but I have re-installed and checked dxdiag, card drivers, audio drivers, 32-bit vs 64-bit with folders correct for each, but problem still keeps on, now having obs version 17 same issue, prior I had version 16, so if anyone else has this error please sign up and post here so obs team can realize there is a problem, its not just one person like dodgepong the admin of obs said. search the internet, way more than one but any help would be appreciated. thanks.