OBS massive lag and dropped frames


Active Member
Gotcha. I just based switching them up on balancing the system out a bit better, reduce the CPU bottleneck some & NDI. Wasn't aware of the VRAM requirement for your work.

I told you it was a weird way to disable HDR. Disable HDR & everything else along with it. Samsung bungled that big time.

Do all the stuff the analyzer picked up & see if there's improvement.
Gotcha. I just based switching them up on balancing the system out a bit better, reduce the CPU bottleneck some & NDI. Wasn't aware of the VRAM requirement for your work.

I told you it was a weird way to disable HDR. Disable HDR & everything else along with it. Samsung bungled that big time.

Do all the stuff the analyzer picked up & see if there's improvement.
Will definitely do, thanks for your help! I have started by clean installing OBS and I tried streaming for a few minutes, then I installed my most essential plugins one by one and kept trying streaming for a few minutes every time. I will keep this up and tweak my settings according to the analyzer and your advice! Next time I post here, it will be either with logs if something wrong keeps happening, or with solution and more thanks :)