Bug Report OBS Major issues with KB3172985 on Win10 x64 Build 1511


New Member

Just a heads up - a regular streamer started having major ingame lag issues across several games (which in turn made it look choppy on stream). The in game FPS counter remained a constant 60, and the FPS counter remained at 30 on OBS with green on the bitrate.

Disabling the video preview also fixed the problem - but it was never an issue at all prior to Friday and video preview is necessary for them as a streamer.

I did an analysis of anything that had changed since they last streamed - and the only change was Windows Update had installed KB3172985. I've now reverted that KB update and everything has returned to normal.

It seems a pretty hefty update and definitely seems to interfere with OBS.


Active Member
It's already known and also already fixed in OBS Studio. No idea when it's coming to OBS classic.


New Member
Already known? Might be worth putting a stickied post or a notification. There are plenty of people out there still using OBS classic, would have saved me a lot of aggro.