Bug Report OBS - Lost connection to server


New Member
I stream on twitch and my stream cuts out every few seconds, sometimes I can stream with no issues during the day, at night I cant seem to stream with OBS, other stream apps are fine and no interruptions, but I need the software hook OBS provides.

Thought it might be a server issue, so I tried, dallas, san antonio, chicago, all the same issues, again other apps work, so its some odd issue with OBS that's not staying connecting to my twitch to stream.

UL rate is 4.2Mbps, I stream at 2256kbps, 1280x720 video encode, 1920x1200 desktop record.

check my stream for specs http://www.twitch.tv/xeno326

OBS will show the recording of my screen fine at first, then after playing for just a little i'll check OBS, the record frame is frozen, I check twitch, that video feed is frozen too then it goes offline and OBS has the "reconnect" message. wtf is up with this?


New Member
KrazyTrumpeter05 said:
Please post a log file.

there is no log file, the last log file I have was from the 13th. The program isn't crashing or anything like that. The problem is its not maintaining synch/connectivity to the twitch stream for some reason. Used other streaming apps with no issues this evening, but would prefer to use OBS but it disconnects anywhere from every 20secs to a couple minutes and never stays consistent.

I can stream with same settings in other apps for 7+hrs compared to OBS. Other than that I have no log information, anything else you need or any other way I can force it to create a log file that wasn't created due to a non-existent program crash?


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If you press the start streaming or preview button, it should definitely generate a log every time


New Member
Jim said:
If you press the start streaming or preview button, it should definitely generate a log every time

unless there is a problem with the Alpha Test 2 64-bit version, it has not generated a log file the numerous amount of times I pressed preview or start stream. The last log file I have when I press the button to search the log folder was from the 13th, obviously I was having issues yesterday so that log file from the 13th won't be of any use to us now. Any reason why alpha test 2 is not generating a log file? I had re-installed the program several times since the 13th to trial and error and troubleshoot existing issues I was having with the program.

Anything else I can try?

** To add further onto this, I'm sure it was around the 13th when I stopped using the 0466 Alpha stable due to problems I was experiencing with OBS not hooking properly onto the Direct X/Software layer of the application I wanted to record. I'm using the latest Alpha Test 2 and all it does is unzip, so maybe that zip version of the program is not capable/properly setup to create a log file, not sure just tossing that out there for things to look into.

You can check my other post I made about issues I was having with that, I figured it out and can rule it down to the fact that when you press refresh it breaks the software hooks and doesn't link whats in the list to the proper program you want to select, you have to select the program and not hit refresh for it to hook properly, so the refresh button is broken for me in all versions that I've tested so far 0466 0467 both stable and alpha.


New Member
ok so I was wrong about the log files, I overlooked them somehow my date was descending instead of newest at top. anyways heres the pastebins for the log files on the 16th when I was having issues.


Now today I decided to try the stable client again since I figured out pressing the refresh button when choosing your software or game capture breaks the software hook list somehow and the items in the list don't point to the software its labeled as, that's something that needs looking further into.

But anyways I re-installed the stable client, was able to stream with no issues, smooth streaming for 5hrs 57mins with only 125 dropped frames. So that's a good turn around using the 64-bit client, so something is definitely causing problems in the Alpha .0467 alpha test 1 and 2 that I tried using before.

Hope this helps, would like some follow up as far as what the problem was and if this was helpful, thanks.


New Member
Jim said:
could you see if you get the problem with 0.461? you can get it here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsproject/files/

k installed 0461a. created a new scene, using the same steps that worked for me in OBS 0466, blank screens on software capture, game capture sees the window fine.

created a new source game capture, this time hitting refresh before selecting my check box options and applying, this time the game does show up; where as in 0466 the refresh breaks it.

setup a software capture for google chrome since I had that open, blank screen.

did another software capture for google chrome this time refreshing the list, still nothing blank.

did a software capture for mumble, it shows google chrome. went back into that software capture source changed back to chrome, blank screen, back to mumble, shows chrome. went back in and refreshed, mumble still shows chrome and chrome shows blank.

I go back into 466a and software capture doesn't hook into WoW, but game capture does, now this one is iffy as software capture is hit or miss and may capture WoW, its very weird.

I go into software capture, choose WoW it shows mumble, Mumble shows chrome, and chrome shows blank. I can do any sort of refreshing selecting steps and they provide the same results.


New Member
not sure if that information provided was helpful, didn't see a response, but let me know.

In addition to the stable version 0466. I notice I have to re-create the game capture every time after I start up the broadcaster fresh each day from a reboot. The settings for the game capture don't save or detect that game capture process for whatever reason. I dunno if this is an issue because the hook uses a specific memory read for it to hook onto the software instead of the game window/title to hook into, but if that's the case teats probably why it has to be recreated each time since the memory value is never the same.


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Hm, very strange.. I'm not entirely sure unfortunately.

Also for the game capturing issues, I probably can't work on it right away but I do have plans on making the capture a bit easier to work with and a little less prone to these sort of problems.