Question / Help OBS Log files


New Member
Is it possible to make OBS output logfiles in another location? I have a small SSD as my main and the log folder is about 1gig in size already.... And I really don't like log files being written on the SSD drive. Especially big ones.


Community Helper
You can delete logs if you don't need them. They are only useful for debugging stream issues, and if your stream is running fine, there's no use in keeping them around.

To answer your question, you can make that folder symbolically linked to a folder on your hard drive. First, make sure OBS is closed. Then copy the %appdata%\OBS folder to a different hard drive, and then delete the version in %appdata%. After that, run a command prompt as an administrator, navigate to %appdata%, and run the command

mklink /d OBS X:\path\to\copied\folder\OBS

Where X is your other hard drive letter.

What that should do is make a symbolically-linked folder in %appdata% called OBS, just as OBS expects to be there, but when you navigate to it, you end up on the other hard drive.


Community Helper
The logs from some of the test versions (including this one) can start to get pretty large, especially if there are many problems being logged. It is surprising that the logs are taking up 1 GB total, though...


Active Member
Seriously, mine eat up maybe a few megs even with a TON of scene-changing, and appears to delete-oldest (I may be mistaken there) on its own.


Community Helper
Layne, what version of OBS are you using? I know there was a test version a while ago that absolutely spammed your log with tons of messages...I wonder if you are on an old version?


Active Member
dodgepong, I'm slightly confused; which is the most recent version, the 0.522b, or the toast 0.52.04b? Standard versioning format would indicate that the toast would be an older build...