Bug Report OBS/League of legends question


New Member
Has anyone encountered this problem?

So I started using OBS (awesome program) and I recently started streaming but I want to say that it causes my league to get bugsplat in the middle of champ loading screen. Anyone else have this? or just me?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I've unfortunately never heard of this happening before. If you're using game capture you might want to try runnning the game borderless window and switching to window capture as it's a little more reliable.


New Member
I have the same problem. I created a game capture, set League of Legends as the game, and upon loading into the actual game (when on the main page of league of legends it works fine) it has a bugsplat. I tried following some advice online which involved turning on compatibility mode for league and running it as administrator. This prevented the bugsplat but when it ran, all that shows up is a black screen, despite using the game capture. Any ideas are appreciated.