Question / Help OBS Lagging Now and Not in the past


New Member
So in the past i've been able to record using OBS with no issues but recently i started having stuttering issues. Basically, i'll have 120 fps while recording in game (CSGO) but its unplayable. Its not smooth and affects gameplay. Its the same with fraps and csgo ingame recording. I just thought OBS would be different.

Radeon HD 7850 Overclocked for about a year if that matters
8GB 1600 mhz Ram
850 EVO for CSGO and my OS
WD Blue for recordings and homework


  • 2016-09-10-2106-35.log
    41.5 KB · Views: 6


Active Member
Not sure, you might try OBS Studio instead of OBS Classic though. You're not doing anything horribly wrong in your log file that I can see, although I'd change a few minor things that shouldn't affect CPU usage much, like CRF=15 instead of CRF=8, high profile instead of main, and auto keyint instead of 2 seconds i.e. 120 frames. I doubt fixing those would fix your problem.

You might see if your CPU is overheating with some monitoring utilities. Otherwise check out OBS Studio.