Question / Help OBS lag spikes


New Member
So I just started streaming recently, and i've noticed a problem with OBS, that I don't notice, nearly as much with Xsplit, which I've also tried. When I stream with OBS, the stream lag spikes (freezes for around 3-4 seconds) every 20-30 seconds or so. My upload speed is 5000kb/s or 5 MB/s upload, and I set the max bitrate to 4000kb/s and buffer to 3500 bk/s. I've tried much lower before. My quality is set to 7, and resolution set to 720p. It still continues to spike like this.. I use the same settings with Xsplit (and server) , but I get a much smoother stream, only problem is the large amount of CPU usage that xsplit uses(which causes FPS issues). Please take a look at my log for anything you need. Thanks.


  • 2013-02-27-1854-05.log
    10.5 KB · Views: 33


Forum Admin
You are getting lagged frames, put your preset back to veryfast. Nothing else seems wrong though. Does the problem show in a VOD?


New Member
R1CH said:
You are getting lagged frames, put your preset back to veryfast. Nothing else seems wrong though. Does the problem show in a VOD?

Yes the problem does occur in the VODS. I haven't tried changing the preset to very fast yet, but I will tomorrow.


New Member
Some other useful information:
I'm not watching the stream on the same PC that I'm streaming on.
I can easily watch others stream at 1080p with no lag at all

With my PC stats and Internet stats, what resolution AND quality do you think I should stream at? (Open question)
^for no lag at all^ (I know the Buffer and bit rate come into play too, so feel free to add those)

Again I get 5 Mb/s up and 50 MB/s down