Question / Help OBS Lag issues


Active Member
even your speedtest shows that you are limited to around 840kbps(bitrate) and you dropping frames at 1131 so its not so surprising that you are dropping a shit ton of frames ... i wouldnt go over 500-600bitrate actually i wouldnt even try to stream with that upload at any given point!


New Member
yeah, i got it, i looked at the download speed and entered that in OBS, what a dumbass i am + i'm new to this streaming stuff, but unfortunately i can't stream due the low upload speed :/


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cbreezy - Having fast internet does not always mean you will have a great connection to something on the internet, unfortunately. There are more variables are play than just your internet speed. There's the server speed, how congested the server is, the routing to the server, many different factors that come into play that people rarely take into consideration.

If you have issues, the best thing to do is to try changing servers first to see if any give you better results, then if all else fails, lower your bit rate.


New Member
What matters with streaming (your side) is not the usual internet speed (download, which is commonly advertised) but your upload.

Upload of 1Mb/s is for 480p streaming, no more.