OBS keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.


New Member
This is the log. I don't know why on earth this has happened. Ever since I uninstalled streamelements i have had this problem. Maybe it is related or it isnt. Don't really care. But I DO care about this horrible problem. I start my stream like normal and it runs for about 11 seconds until it disconnects. It reconnects on OBS instantly though on Kick this severely lags out the stream. It repeats this and makes the stream unwatchable as kick takes you off of the livestream once the stream has finished. And due to OBS disconnecting it thinks the stream is over. I had a temporary fix for the past few days where I would start the stream, turn my internet on my computer off then back on and this would defeat the problem and the stream would run perfectly fine. This isn't a problem with internet speed or location as I have 500 mbps average on my internet. If anybody could help that would be an absolute wonder. Thank you for any replies!