Hi whenever i want to record a ame of paladins OBS crash can you help me fix it this is the file error
OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
https://obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll' module.
Fault address: 7715E3BE (c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.657b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
0768FA20 7715E3BE 03E28AC0 05648160 056713A0 05648158 ntdll.dll!0x7715e3be
0768FA5C 7715E023 005B0000 00000000 05648160 0768FA94 ntdll.dll!0x7715e023
0768FA74 76B814AD 005B0000 00000000 05648160 0768FB10 kernel32.dll!0x76b814ad
0768FA88 58108F26 05648160 05678F60 0569E478 03E28AC0 nvwgf2um.dll!0x58108f26
0768FA9C 578B0992 204F70C7 43EF2F79 63D2EFA6 A52E6A79 nvwgf2um.dll!0x578b0992
0768FB18 578B0A08 204F70C7 43EF2F79 63D2EFA6 A52E6A79 nvwgf2um.dll!0x578b0a08
0768FB48 57EDA676 0768FBB8 03DFF780 056397C0 05670288 nvwgf2um.dll!0x57eda676
0768FB90 57EBA11E 000003AC A8858291 00000004 696B176C nvwgf2um.dll!0x57eba11e
0768FCB4 74B314AB A8858291 00000004 696B176C 0569E478 kernelbase.dll!0x74b314ab
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\pc\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2016-07-14_14.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module