OBS just stopped


New Member
OBS was recording a service at church... I say was, because in all indications i was recording. the START RECORDING was clicked and red, the OBS logo had the red dot in the taskbar.. Just like multiple times prior.. it was recording... when i went to review the recording, there was maybe 20 seconds.
disk errors: none
disk space: checked (plenty - well over 1tb)
sw OSB: latest version 30..1.2 (64bit)
hw: same laptop I have used for at least a year

and here is the kicker: i went and did a new test recording a couple of days later (using the same equipment) and everything worked as expected...

so, here are the questions:
What causes this? how can I prevent this from happening again?

thank you


New Member
here is the logfile ( after reading here some more, it is often requested to upload the logfile)


  • 2024-06-01 17-25-37.txt
    22.9 KB · Views: 6


Active Member
here is the logfile ( after reading here some more, it is often requested to upload the logfile)
The logfile is essential. It tells what happened and includes vital system information. I usually don't answer threads without log, because without log it's just guessing.

In your log, there are no errors logged:
8:17:25.475: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
18:17:25.475: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'D:/Downloads/videos/2024-06-01 18-17-24.mp4'...
18:42:26.536: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'D:/Downloads/videos/2024-06-01 18-17-24.mp4' stopped
18:42:26.536: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
18:42:26.536: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 44997
18:42:26.536: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 45032
18:42:26.537: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
Recording is 25 minutes without a single frame lagged or lost (lagged or lost frames would have a log entry, if there were any). According to the log, the recording is flawless.
Your recording format is fragmented mp4. There may be media players or postprocessing software that cannot handle fragmented mp4, so try a different media player such as VLC.
You might perhaps fix the recording by remuxing to mp4 (from mp4 to mp4, that's correct), if it has something to do with the container format. Menu File > Remux Recordings.