Bug Report OBS is using more Upload bitrate than it should.


New Member
So I set my OBS to use 700 kbps Upload Bit-rate and Buffer Size is also 700 kpbs, but for some reason it is using over 800 kbps causing me to lag the **** out... So instead of playing with 20 ms latency it highers my latency to something nearby 400 because it is overloading my internet usage. If someone knows how to fix it, I'd really appreciate some help.
Thanks in advance, Digolera.


Forum Admin
You can also try the 'minimize network impact' which can smooth out bitrate spikes on the network.


Keep in mind that there are two bit rates being used here, one for video and one for audio. If you use 700kbps video and 128kbps audio, that will come up to 828kbps being sent combined. As also mentioned above, if you are not using CBR (constant bit rate) then the variable nature of the video encoding means that sometimes it will be less than 700 and sometimes it might peak above it.


New Member
Zephiris said:
Keep in mind that there are two bit rates being used here, one for video and one for audio. If you use 700kbps video and 128kbps audio, that will come up to 828kbps being sent combined. As also mentioned above, if you are not using CBR (constant bit rate) then the variable nature of the video encoding means that sometimes it will be less than 700 and sometimes it might peak above it.

That solved my problem =)
I was just beeing dumb I guess.
Thanks everybody for your help