Question / Help OBS is broken

luke moore

New Member
so i get the directx 10 isnt installed message.
i have tried to fix it and nothings worked.
I even reset my os.

oh and directx 10 is on my computer
my video card is fine
and anything else


Forum Moderator
What type of video card do you have specifically? And what is the exact error message appearing?

luke moore

New Member
Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics (Core i3)



Forum Moderator
What model of i3 CPU are you using? The error message means that the iGPU you're using doesn't support DirectX 10.1; doesn't matter if you have it installed or not if the hardware lacks support for it.


Forum Moderator
You said you had a Core i3 CPU. I'm asking for the CPU model, so I can look up its specifications.


Active Member
Yep, your iGPU doesn't fully support the hardware DX10 spec.
Microsoft kind of messed up by both naming a hardware instruction set, AND a software package the same thing. OBS needs a GPU with the full HARDWARE DX10 instruction set, not just the DirectX software package.


Active Member
No. Your computer is too old or low-end. It isn't the software being broken, it's your machine.
It's like sticking a PS4 disc in a PS1. It won't just run the game slower, it *can't* run the game.
The old (or low-end) hardware doesn't have the current-day capabilities and instruction set needed to run the software.