Question / Help OBS Internet Cutting Out


New Member
So over the last week I have been having an issue where when I stream everything is fine. UNTIL I open a game and then it is like a time bomb. my internet will just cut out for like a split second and then come back up. Before you say anything like "it's probably your ISP" It's only happening in OBS my internet doesn't die for anything else even when I just play a game, only when I hit start streaming on OBS. Any help?

PC Specs:

CPU : AMD-FX 8350
GPU : Nvidia GeForce 770
RAM : 12 GB
OS : Windows 10 64bit


New Member


OBSLog :
Last edited:


New Member
I Left out the top half of the twitch test cause they were the Asian servers and seeing as I live in Canada are terrible for me if you still would like the to couple i will post it if asked.


Active Member
23:49:13: max bitrate: 3500

With your internet connection being what it is, your settings are causing the problem. You are using a combined 3628kbit, leaving only 1000kbit for everything else (on the upload side)

Between voice communication and the game itself I'm not surprised you're cutting out.

And if you don't have twitch partnership, then you're using too much bitrate for your viewers to be able to watch anyway.


Active Member
And if your game needs a lot of bandwidth (which it may) then it's still not going to be enough.
And this is all ignoring the fact that a lot of ISP-provided routers are extremely weak in regards to this.


New Member
This has only recently started happening. I didn't mess with any settings other than bit rate. but all the games I used to be able to play I can't otherwise the bitrate counter just drops to zeros disconnects and reconnects.


New Member
I decided to a clean install of windows and that seems to have fixed my problem. So it might have been Malware or Spyware and not an issue with the program.