OBS Hotkeys from USB controller

Up until now I've been using a cheapo numeric keypad for OBS control, but that only gives me convenience, not a dedicated device...so I occasionally get key conflicts. So far nothing really awful, but give it time....LOL

Whipped up a USB button controller last week, programmed it and plugged it in. Windows seems the presses, OBS doesn't. Is this not supported, or do I have to add a plugin or something?


Active Member
There are (at least) twice as many function keys defined than most keyboards actually have. (F1, F2, ... , F24) Maybe your custom device can be a standard keyboard, and send the codes for F13 and above?
I have a ton of hotkeys (keyboard commands) committed to other software that I can't change mapping. So, working around those.
I would have thought this would work pretty much out of the box, since loads of people are using Streamdecks. Essentially, for about $20 I've whipped up something similar, without the fancy buttons.

I was using at one point a Logitech G13, which sends key commands/macros. In a pinch I could resurrect that, its form factor doesn't integrate well, thus the custom controller, and the reason I'm not using the G13 currently.

The new device has been labelled with a custom ID and Device Name. I've done everything I can to make it unique so that recognizing it would be seamless.

Hoping there are other people who have made something work....or can shed some light.


Active Member
If you must have multiple keyboards, with the same key on each being interpreted differently, then you might take some inspiration from this:

Or, if you have a custom device anyway, you could use my previous suggestion, or make it a networked device instead that sends direct commands to OBS via WebSocket. You can google that API as well as I can. :-)

Or if you want to generalize the controller and set up the specific actions on the OBS side, you can use the Advanced Scene Switcher to receive a WebSocket message that is formatted to get through OBS's filter and actually make it to the plugin, and then do whatever you've set up Adv. SS to do with that:


Hmm.. the websocket thing might be an option. And, yes, I'm Google friendly, I can tackle that ;-)

The only reason this is coming up, is that keypresses outside of OBS are interpreted as a different action within THAT program, and to change 1 keybind to be OBS dedicated I have to change 3 or 4 - in different programs. And, I know for a fact that some keybinds, for whatever reason, just don't. Discord has a bug this way. Infrequent, but I've seen it already once. So, rather not re-map everything. This is what made the unique controller appealing.

Since writing this post, I have seen and am looking into MIDI device control. I can repurpose the existing custom controller to be running as a MIDI device since it uses the same Pro Micro board I'm already using, so no re-wiring necessary :)