Question / Help OBS HELP!! (screen recording for games) Windows 8


New Member
Okay, I downloaded, extracted everything and now I'm just trying to record some gameplay, but I have no idea what I'm doing. When I hit "start streaming" it says "no server specified to connect to" What do I do and how do I start recording?? Thanks in advance :)
Made this little guide for some friends of my and i think you can also use it.:

Hi and welcome into you first steps of streaming.

This guide will give a basic knowledge of what you minimal need to know to get things going.
So you want to show the world your gaming adventures?

This is how it works;

First of all: There are 2 main things that are important to be able to stream at a decent quality. That is your computer and your internet connection.

1. Your computer has to be decent.
With this i mean the following: If you are running your games at low or medium settings and it still doesnt look smooth: you will not be able to stream decently on such a machine.

2. Your internet; low speed internet just wont cut it. It's the nature of live streaming. Quality cost bandwith.

And with those things set you now can setup your pc for streaming.

Because you want to broadcast your game or program to the world you also must record it. Just like how a tv show is made.
This recording and broadcasting is done by a program like Open Broadcaster Software (OBS).

In this program you can setup your camera's (the windows/games/webcams/programs ect) you want to show to the world.

However in this situation nobody knows how to go to your broadcasted material.
So you will need a network that provides an easy access to your produced/broadcasted material.

And this is why you will need websites like
You will have to register yourself with that kind of website(s) so that you will get the posibilty to offer your material to the world.

So in OBS you setup your camera's and the connection to the website you want to broadcast to.
And how to setup OBS for that is explained in the guides that Kharay already linked.